Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And the winner is........... MAMMA!!

My first try on Pajamas. I thought I did so good for winging it without a pattern but opps the shirt didnt quite fit.

I am swimming with bandanas for some super cute sewing projects I am working on. The kids dressed Zane up with some I had layin around.

I won!!! 2/4 kids said my name first. I have to admit I have been working on him for months but yes... success is mine. Life continues to fly and Zane is eight months old. He still is not crawling he has started to scoot on his back for things but is content to get carried around and his brother and sisters come to him to play and talk constantly so why bother right. I am trying to remember to enjoy this time with my last little baby and it continues to be so special to me. I wish I remembered to enjoy the other ones this much. You know before they knew how to talk back.


blogger said...

cute baby and good blog..

Elissa said...

Love the pictures. He's so cute! And I feel the same way about Legacy. I'm so nervous!

Becky Peterson said...

How rude!!! My camera is not working.(Blakely's braces) Way to influence the kid. It is always exciting to have them start to talk.