Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The party is over...... at least for some of us!!

Jenny started (pre) kindergarten last week. Which is all day long and five days a week. She has been doing really well... except for a little boy trying to steal her lighting Mc Queen lunch box the first week. In my head I think of her as my baby too. With the age gap I quess I have too. I worse then Jake who treats her like the other two big kids.... I know this is dangerous and I am really trying to make a conscious effort not to baby her. Josh and Bailey are starting a new school this year and it is still not ready to start.. so I am holding my breath cause I hope I made the right decision to send them to this new school since their old school started last week and yet they are still home with me until the new one gets up and running. I am not the kind of mom that could home school so it better happen!!!!

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