Monday, June 14, 2010

Shell City

Bailey found these snail shells in the backyard and cleaned them up and painted them all these bright colors. She was so proud of her work she decided to sell them .... for a 1 dollar each. We tried to discourage her and distract her but that wasn't going to happen. I was glad when she picked grandma out to hold her signs and yell loudly that SHELL CITY was open. So .... grandma was a good sport and went outside and QUIETLY yelled they were open for bussiness. I thought it was pretty funny and went and took pictures. Jake went out after a bit (and no customers ) and told Bailey that the city had called and she needed a permit. It was so sad to see her face drop so he quickly bought her inventory and grandma too. I am not sure if that taught her the right lesson but she better realize how much her grandma and dad love her.. anyways.


Arizona Manwarings said...

Bailey you better save me a shell Ill buy one when we see you next.

Becky Peterson said...

She is quite an enpertuer! Way to make the money , honey!