Friday, September 19, 2008

Four-wheeler for Sale

I have been working really hard to get over my fear of Josh riding this little four- wheeler and he has been doing really good. Jake even got him riding gear and they have been going on nightly rides with the dogs.... so last night Jake wanted to take him out I decided to get some exercise and walk with the girls while they went riding. Everything was going good and Jake decided to go and take the dogs back so we could stay a little longer..... so he left me out in the desert a few miles from our house with the girls and Josh riding around on his four wheeler. He wasnt gone 3 minutes before I heard Josh scream and he had flipped the four-wheeler over on him. He was probably over a 100 feet from me so I took off running (forgetting I am over 6 months pregnant now) and left the girls screaming. When I got to him his legs were still under the four- wheeler and he was even missing a shoe. That was pretty scary for me because everyone knows Jake handles all medical emerencys. I was brave and started to look for injuries and he looked alright until I got to his arms. I am not a dr but I knew his right arm was broken. It was awful no bones sticking out but awful. So by that time the girls had caught up to me and started crying again because they didnt want a brother with a broken arm.... I just was weighing my options hoping Jake would be back soon. We were over 500 feet from the truck and plus I had lost the keys as I ran to get to Josh and Jake wasn't planning on being long.... so I sat and held Josh and his arm until Jake showed up on his motorcylce. Jake of course handled everything well and had his emt stuff in the truck and was able to put a splint on it until we got to the ER. Josh was very brave and wanted a blessing for we even started the car. So Yes, we have a broken arm through both bones in his right arm. They had to re set it straight and put it in traction. I know broken arms happen and this could have been a lot worse but it still was scary for me and if Jake was there it probably wouldnt of happened because he watches josh so closely and is riding close. All the things I couldnt do on foot. Josh went with Jake to drop the four wheeler off to get fixed and wanted to make sure that it would be fixed when he gets his cast off. So He is for sure braver then his mom.


Elissa said...

Oh! Poor guy! It was funny yesterday in primary he got called to go up to the front during singing time, and he walked up to the front and turned around to everyone and announced with a big smile on his face "I have a broken arm" like he was so proud of it. haha. Boys are so funny!

Karli said...

Oh my goodness! That is scary! For some reason it made me remember the time when we went horseback riding and you had a terrible allergic reaction to something and ended up in the E.R. I just remember looking back at you on your horse and thinking, "Wow, I don't think Beth looked like that this morning!" Your face was sooooooo swollen. Like Will Smith's in the movie "Hitch". I'm glad it wasn't serious and we can laugh about it now. At least I hope you're laughing, cause I am! :)

Todd and Kiersten said...

I am totally freaking out for you. I wasn't even there, it wasn't my kid and it is past tense,but I am having a heart attack. I dread those moments. I'm impressed that you kept your cool. Way to go!!!!